Category Archives: Uncategorized

January 23: A Scrub-Jay Day

This was a wonderful day! I started out at the Florida Scrub-Jay Trail, then moseyed to Lake Kissimmee State Park, then had to get to my son’s place in Davenport where we had dinner, and then I headed on to Titusville. I’m just posting the basic statistics right now, but will add photos and a lot more information about the day and places ASAP. I had 11 new species, bringing my total to 139. New species:

  1. Northern Harrier
  2. Loggerhead Shrike
  3. White-eyed Vireo
  4. Blue-headed Vireo
  5. Florida Scrub-Jay
  6. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
  7. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
  8. Pine Warbler
  9. Eastern Towhee
  10. Bachman’s Sparrow
  11. Red-winged Blackbird

January 21-22: Day at Disney and driving

I wish the management of Disney World had a naturalist at each theme park pointing out the cool wild birds around. I didn’t get any year birds at Disney or in the Orlando area (not after yesterday’s Hooded Merganser, anyway), and didn’t see any new ones along the drive back to Sarasota where I said farewell to Mr. B and headed on to the Florida Scrub-Jay Consortium, where my dear friends Bruce and Cathy Brown are doing admirable work trying to get private landowners to work together to manage property for Florida Scrub-Jays. I got there quite late in the day, and though I spotted one in the distance, decided to wait till I see it better tomorrow before I count it. I’m scrambling to catch up on posts for people who want to know what I’ve been seeing, but will write a lot more about Bruce and Cathy’s work, and why they deserve our support, as soon as I can. New bird (oh, well–had to see them eventually) brought my total to 128:

  1. Brown-headed Cowbird