Author Archives: Laura Erickson

January 27: Blue Heron Sewage Treatment Plant, Merritt Island, and moving on to Daytona

I started out my morning in a literal fog. I checked out of my motel and drove a few blocks to the Blue Heron Sewage Treatment facility, where birders are welcome! I added four new species there:

  1. King Rail
  2. Sora
  3. Purple Gallinule
  4. Swamp Sparrow
Then I stopped at Merritt Island’s visitor center one last time before heading on to the Brevard County Community College to give my program about the herons viewed in Cornell’s nest cam. It was the last regular program of the festival, at lunchtime when people were packing up, so I can blame that on the poor attendance–about a dozen people showed up in the rather large auditorium. Oh, well–I prefer intimate little gatherings anyway.
Then it was time to wend my way up toward Daytona so I wouldn’t waste too many extra miles driving back and forth to New Smyrna Beach, where the pelagic trip would be leaving from. En route I FINALLY saw one Black Skimmer, and when I reached my hotel room, got my first gannet!
  1. Northern Gannet
  2. Black Skimmer
My year’s total is now 173.

January 26: Enchanted Forest Sanctuary field trips

For the past few years, Joe Swingle and I have led a field trip for “beginners” at Brevard County’s lovely Enchanted Forest Sanctuary, where Joe is a naturalist. This year we led two. Bill Thompson from Bird Watcher’s Digest came along on one to help. Between field trips, I went back to Merritt Island briefly, where I saw the male hummer who’s been visiting the feeders at the visitor center.

New birds, bringing my total to 167:

  1. Eastern Screech-Owl (I heard it make the whinny call twice. Archimedes has been calling lately, and my missing him is probably why my ears picked it out.)
  2. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
  3. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
  4. Orange-crowned Warbler